Home > Pseudomorphs – March 10 > MS1766 Bindheimite (Oxyplumboroméite) after Bournonite

Bindheimite (Oxyplumboroméite) after Bournonite - Sold

Bindhemite is a lead antimony oxide with pyrochlore crystal structure. In a massive nomenclature change of such minerals, the species bindheimite was discredited (Atencio et al., 2010). Later reconsideration that material once called bindheimite represnts a distinct mineral species, which corresponds to oxyplumboroméite (Christy & Atencio, 2013). This is a crude pseudomorph of bindheimite after a prismatic bournonite crystal, rising out of a wider crystal in parallel growth. Green spots of malachite are also present.