Home > Laskowski Ⅵ – July 29 > MS1917 Manganaxinite


Manganaxinite is a manganese calcium aluminum borate silicate. The mineral name recalls the long established iron-dominant siliciate axinite. In his 1801 Traité de Minéralogie, René Haüy named axinite for its axe-like crystal shape. Fromme (1909) first applied the name manganaxinite to samples from New Jersey which had molar Mn in excess of Fe. The International Mineralogical Association has chosen a hyphenated nomenclature for the axinite group, dubbing this species axinite-(Mn) (Burke, 2008).

Manganaxinite forms bladed crystals to 5 mm on johannsenite matrix. These are rather large and thick crystals for the locality. From the collection of E.R. Laskowski (1949-2020), a mining engineer who retired to Tucson, Arizona.

Price: $75

Item code: MS1917

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