Home > Laskowski Ⅵ – July 29 > MS1915 Clinoptilolite-K with Calcite (Los Angeles)

Clinoptilolite-K with Calcite (Los Angeles)

Clinoptilolite is a hydrated aluminosilicate, and a member of the zeolite group (Coombs et al., 1997). The mineral name denotes its inclined extinction and chemical similarity to ptilolite, an obsolete name for mordenite. Schaller(1923) announced the new mineral, later following up with a full description (Schaller, 1932). Material from this locality is potassium dominant, making the species name here clinoptilolite-K

Clinoptilolite-K forms colorless crystals to 2 mm in a cavity with calcite crystals to 9 mm. From the collection of E.R. Laskowski (1949-2020), a mining engineer who retired to Tucson, Arizona. This specimen also carries a Robert Ray label.

Price: $50

Item code: MS1915

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