Home > African Minerals – March 29 > MS0668 Wesselsite, Sugilite

Wesselsite, Sugilite - Sold

Giester and Rieck (1996) named wesselsite in honor of the Wessels mine, which the type and currently only reported locality. Wesselsite has an unusual but simple formula: SrCuSi4O10. Material scientists have studied the synthetic compound, discovering unusual thermal expansion properties, and its especially intense coloring ability. The mineral occurs in very limited quantities in a manganese and lithium rich skarn, most known specimens dating to the 1990s. In 2011, another find of wesselsite stunned the mineral collecting community with its large cleavage size, and also by yielding three minerals new to science.

This wesselsite specimen shows large massive areas of cobalt-blue color, to 2.0 cm across, in rich royal purple sugilite. The colors are intense and contrast is stunning. This is a very rich specimen, saving from jewelry fabricators in China by an American collector. Great piece. Rare.