Home > Laskowski Ⅰ – June 22 > MS1827 Kidwellite with Beraunite (ex Kidwell)

Kidwellite with Beraunite (ex Kidwell)

Kidwellite is a sodium iron phosphate mineral. Moore & Ito (1978) named the mineral in honor of A.L. Kidwell (1919-2008) for his study of Arkansas phosphate deposits. Beraunite is an iron phosphate, named for its type locality in Czechia (Breithaupt, 1840). Kidwellite here forms a fine dusting on red-brown beraunite crystals to 2 mm. Later strengite spheres to 1 mm are also present.

From the collection of E.R. Laskowski (1949-2020). Laskowski acquired this specimen from Dakota Matrix in 2009; labels from Laskowski and Dakota Matrix and A.L. Kidwell accompany the specimen. Get a kidwellite from Kidwell!

Price: $100

Item code: MS1827

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