Home > Mexico II Type Locales – December 22 > MS1704 Pseudoboleite epitaxy on Boleite

Pseudoboleite epitaxy on Boleite - Sold

Pseudoboleite is a lead copper chloride hydroxide. Lacroix (1895) named the species for its physical and chemical resemblance to boleite, which in turn takes it name from the locality. The modern chemical formula of pseudoboleite is based on a crystal structure refinement by Giueppetti et al. (1992) (abstracted here). Since the original description of boleite in 1891, mineralogists have debated the identities of boleite and its similarly appearing associates pseudoboleite and cumengeite. Friedel (1906) made thin sections of boleite-pseudoboleite intergrowths, showing optically that they consist pseudoboleite grown epitaxially on cubic boleite (see especially his Figs. 9-11). How many fine pseudoboleite "jacks" fell to Friedel's blade?

This is a particularly gemmy pseudoboleite on boleite epitaxy. A narrow notch along the cube edges, only 0.5 mm wide, distinguishes this pseudoboleite epitaxy on boleite from a simple boleite crystal.