Home > Skorpion, Broken Hill, Salmo – July 24 > MS1378 Smithsonite on Hemimorphite

Smithsonite on Hemimorphite - Sold

Smithsonite and hemimorphite are among the most common of zinc minerals. In the nineteenth century, both species were grouped under the term calamine, until Kenngott (1853) named hemimorphite for its hemimorphic crystal form, and Beudant (1832) named smithsonite after James Smithson (1754-1829), who founded the Smithsonian Institution.

This specimen features rounded smithsonite grains to 6 mm on a bed of brilliant colorless hemimorphite needles. The smithsonite groups are somewhat cloudy, and have satin like surfaces, which causes a contrast with the underlying hemimorphite. A good example for the locality.