Home > Copper Minerals I – May 5 > MS1073 Cuprosklodowskite, Copper

Cuprosklodowskite, Copper - Sold

Cuprosklodowskite is a hydrated copper uranyl silicate. The mineral name honors Marie Curie, whose maiden name was Sklodowska (Vaes, 1933). Cuprosklodowskite forms silky green needles to 3 mm, with darker green malachite, yellow needles of the uranyl silicate sklodowskite, and secondary native copper. This is a colorful specimen showing early malachite partly covered in cuprosklodowksite with botryoidal native copper. An interesting specimen containing three copper species and two urnaium species! This came out in 2008, at a time of renewed mining in the area. This specimen has a sawn base.